I Can Only Imagine Study ~ New Books to Love

Were you touched by the amazing blockbuster movie, I Can Only Imagine? Maybe an easier question to answer would be, who wasn’t?


I’m so thankful that Bart Millard, the lead singer for Mercy Me, chose to write the song, I Can Only Imagine, and grateful for that song leading to the making of this popular movie. I’m currently going through a new 28-day study on Jesus’s ministry and encounters with people’s brokenness that follows some of the themes of the movie.
It has wonderful prompts to think more deeply about questions the movie raised about how we see God. And it looks at how events in our lives may influence our view of God.


“What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” – A.W. Tozer


Hearing others share about being restored offers such hope. I’m loving listening to more about Bart’s testimony from the DVD that goes along with the study.

I spoke with a friend yesterday who shines with this same ability to rise above the awful hand that life’s dealt her simply because she anticipates seeing God. So inspiring!


May God use these stories of redemption to help clear away anything that obstructs a clearer view of Him.


With renewed courage and hope,

~ Deb

https://cityonahillstudio.com/shop-3/i-can-only-imagine/ (Code frontgate10 for 10% off.)




