NaThaWriMo – National Thank a Writer Month

NaThaWriMo – National Thank a Writer Month

I love November’s focus on gratitude and Thanksgiving. I’ve been learning the power of gratitude. When I focus on the small gifts that God keeps placing in my life, I don’t focus as much on the Fear Of Missing Out or my outstanding needs. I like myself so much better when I live in gratitude.

A blog post by my newly found friend, Shelli Littleton, recently renewed my wonder at being on the receiving end of gratitude also. She wrote, “Deb Gruelle, thank you again for being vulnerable and emptying your heart on those pages so that I could find courage…” I had no idea. Here’s Shelli’s post:

kaltenstein153 / Pixabay

Shelli didn’t know when she contacted me after all these years that I’d just read a negative comment about my writing the week before, and that negative comment had nagged at me. She just followed God’s nudge to write to me.

God is so loving to invite us to join in on His work. I’m convinced that He times moments like these to follow-up someone’s discouraging news with new encouragement.

I have renewed courage to take the next steps in my writing. Thank you, Shelli, for following through to connect with me.


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Shelli’s thanks also made me start to think about what holds me back from saying thank you. Sometimes it’s the urgent needs in front of me. That’s why we often use the phrase “stop to say thank you.” Gratitude often calls us to pause our daily pattern of looking toward our next needed steps to stop,  breathe, and be thankful.

Other times I reason that my thank you might be dismissed. Authors and others are busy–my small voice won’t matter among the many.


Shelli’s connecting in gratitude motivated me to reach out this November to thank even those I don’t know but who’ve touched my life. I’ll be writing to thank an author or two whose writing has touched me as well. A cycle of gratitude, I love this idea.

Perhaps if we give it a catchy name, this could become a companion movement to NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month)–the volunteer organization that supports writers across the world who are trying to write a novel during the month of November.

We could call it


National Thank a Writer Month!

What do you think? Who is God nudging you to thank this month? Which author would you thank and why?







2 thoughts on “NaThaWriMo – National Thank a Writer Month

  1. Love #NaThaWriMo and shared on pinterest 🙂

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