In Aching for a Child: Emotional, Spiritual, and Ethical Insights for Women Struggling with Infertility or Miscarriage, author Deb Gruelle writes candidly about her struggle to have children. She shares about the cycles of hope and grief, as well as the sorrow of losing a baby during pregnancy.
She also explains various medical interventions and examines options from a biblical perspective:
– Fertility meds
– Artificial Insemination
– In vitro fertilization
– Donor sperm, eggs, and embryos
– Surrogacy
– Adoption
To anyone living with the daily ache of infertility, Deb Gruelle offers encouragement and biblical direction. Aching for a Child also contains insights for those who ache with an infertile couple.
Deb Gruelle is a multi-published, best-selling author who has written for many infertility and grief publications. She co-established and led a support group for a decade for Christian women dealing with infertility, miscarriage, and stillbirth. A former board member of Hannah’s Prayer ministry, she currently serves as chaplain for Inspire Christian Writers.
What people are saying about Aching for a Child …
“Aching for a Child is…a trusted resource for couples facing the marital, emotional, ethical, financial, physical, and spiritual crisis of infertility.”
—Dr. Sandra Glahn, seminary professor, multi-published author whose books include When Empty Arms Become a Heavy Burden and The Infertility Guidebook
“I pray that Aching for a Child will restore each reader’s soul in the same way it did for me.”
—Jennifer Saake, author Hannah’s Hope, Dir. Emeritus, Hannah’s Prayer Ministry
“With exquisite care and warmth, Deb gives the reader ample opportunity to personalize their journey by answering questions at the end of each chapter. As a mother who experienced the loss of my newborn daughter, I will without reservation, recommend this book to others who ache desperately for a child.”
—Carole Gift Page, multi-published author
“The author … examines [infertility issues] from a biblical perspective: What kind of moral dilemmas do couples face? … What does the Bible say? And where is God when it hurts so much? A book about the pain often carried in silence [and] the emotional rollercoaster that infertile couples ride. … Its empathic tone makes you feel understood and gives you hope and trust in the love and care of God.”
– Tapolyai Emőke, psychologist
“This book opened my eyes to see the struggle and the emotional stress that had been hidden from me till now. It made me think about my medical attitude. I have gained new insights which helped me understand infertile women’s behavior, reactions, and vulnerability. I hope that more theologians will dare to face the enormous issue of Assisted Human Reproduction, and dare to guide those who turn to them.”
– Dr. Tolnay Lajos, obstetrician, gynecologist
“Many would give everything in order to hold their baby in their arms. … This book brings help, guidance, and hope. … I do believe that despite the difficult journey, everyone can find the way to the child God wants to send.”
– Szenczy Katalin, leader of The Hungarian Baptist Aids’s Adoption Program